Our Story

It didn’t even take a day and Julia was already in love with this city. She has seen so many places, been to so many cities, but Medellín took her breath away. 

That moment when you get into the car at the airport and drive down from the very top of the mountains into the valley: the greenery, the mountains, the view. There is a very unique energy about Medellín that just makes you want to stay forever. You will feel it when you get here. 

These 4 weeks would change her life forever. Her travel group was a lovely bunch of girls and guys from all around the world. They enjoyed every single moment in this city, travelled to the countryside and the coast, danced Salsa all night long and made lovely friendships. What a better way to remind you of an extraordinary time than getting a tattoo.

That’s when her brother Alexander got again into the game: He recommended an amazing studio with a very lovely owner in Medellín Julia should go to. And yes he got his reminder tattoo there as well! So Julia took her new girlfriends Julie and Mariah on 30th of January 2018. The day she met her future husband for the very first time.

Esteban was sitting on the deck of the tattoo shop, his eyes deep into his work, when Julia showed up and he got lost in her beautiful eyes. As good customer service inquires the help of the owner, Esteban personally took care of this woman from Germany. He was offering Julia to take a video while she was getting her tattoo. Officially to get her number for sending her the video … inofficially to ask her out.

The two enjoyed a lovely evening at Berlin Bar with a bunch of friends before he asked her to spend a day on his motorbike to show her the real Colombia beside the touristic paths. Thats when the greatest adventure of a lifetime began. 

Esteban picked up Julia in the late afternoon with his bike. The moment he drove up the entrance of her building, she was blown away by the appearance of this hot latino biker. Definitely an adventure! Jumping on a bike with a stranger – but if Alexander recommend him, he actually isn’t a stranger!!

The two took off to the top of the mountain. Esteban made sure Julia won’t forget that day showing her lovely places outside the city being a total gentleman. 

Unfortunately the time came when Julia had to leave Colombia and their path had to separate. 

It was in early 2019 when they finally got reunited again. Julia decided to leave Germany and spend more time in Medellin, when Esteban saw a history on Instagram and texted her ” You are finally back!” Since that time we started to build an amazing relationship based on trust and adventure. We are very grateful that we have finally found our soulmate and appreciate each other with grace and happiness. 

We enjoy spending our time with the family in Colombia and Germany. We share our passion for remote working,  travelling and exploring the world.  

Our Marriage in Germany

On the 16th of July 2021 we had our lovely wedding celebration with our families and friends from Germany. We were very grateful that the pandemie allowed us to share this special moment with our beloved ones from one of the countries we call home.

We hope to be blessed with your company for our celebration. Join us in this important event of our lives. 

Contact details
Julia Otto +(49) 172 1430 590
Esteban Castillo +(57) 311 352 3939